Using Nearpod for Teachers


Nearpod is a platform that lets teachers create and deliver interactive lessons, videos, and activities to students in any learning environment. Students can join a lesson, teachers can get real-time feedback, and administrators can access thousands of resources and integrations. This page contains the complete video on Using Nearpod for Teachers along a Quick Guide to get you started. 

Quick Guide on Using Nearpod


  1. Go to and click on Signup for Free
  2. Select Google or Microsoft Account and follow the prompts.



  • My Materials section: Includes your lessons, profile settings, and reports.
  • Shared Libraries: School Library. Lists the lessons shared within your school among the teachers.
  • Nearpod Content: Nearpod Library. Lists a variety of lessons searchable by grade, type, content, publisher and includes premium content options.
  • Teacher Resources: Guides and resources for teachers on how to use NearPod.

Top Panel:

  • Join a Lesson: Enter a lesson code to join it.
  • Search: Search your lessons or all the libraries.
  • Create: Lessons, videos by combining them, activities, Google Slides lessons.
  • Quick Launch: Launch activities without slides or lessons and use open ended questions, draw and share it with your students.
  • Account Settings:
  1. Lesson settings:
    1. Autofill student names
    2. Immersive reader: Enables text-to-speech.
    3. Require student responses and prevent skipping.


  1. Click on Nearpod Library option on the left.
  2. Search by grade, subject, content type or publisher, etc.
  3. g. Subjects > Science and Technology > AI in Schools
  4. Preview the lesson. If you like it, click on Add to my Lessons.
  5. Edit the lesson as necessary, making it yours.


  1. Imported lessons will show up under My Lessons.
  2. To preview the lesson, hold the mouse on the lesson and click on “Preview Lesson”.
  3. To modify the lesson, click on Edit and make the changes.


  1. Locate your lesson.
  2. Click on Teach after hovering the mouse on the lesson.
  3. Select Live Participation or Student-Paced.
  4. Send the link to the students via email, SMS, Google Classroom or Teams.
  5. Students go to and enter the code.
  6. Students sign with Google, Microsoft etc.
  7. Advance the slides using the controls on the left and right of your lesson as the instructor and the content will advance on all participants’ displays.
  8. Note that for feedback questions, there is also a student view on the top right to view student responses live.
  9. Note the tools on the bottom bar when presenting your lesson such as the preview of the lesson components, participants.
  10. To end the lesson, click on Menu on the top left and select End Session.


View detailed reports of student engagement and activity from your users’ Nearpod sessions.

  1. Click on Reports on the left panel.
  2. Click on the Lesson and select a particular session.
  3. Navigate through the subtabs such as Summary, Activity Reports and Student Reports.
  4. Note the options on the top right where you can Download and Email reports.


  1. Click on Create and select one of the types of activities such as Lesson.
  2. Click Add Content and Activities
  3. Select the type of activity noting the description and directions on the right panel.

Here is also the Quick Guide in PDF format


Interested in learning more about educational technology tools? Check out Flip. 

Here is also a Quick Guide on How to Use Flipgrid.


Working with data in WordPress on a laptop with a cup of coffeeimage of autofill